About storyboard for website-01

Photo of Julie courtesy of Ollie Harrop

Grab a cuppa for a bit more info on what's what, and who's who...

Kip & Fig are two East End tabbies, always keen to get involved in creative carryings-on, which frankly is not always that helpful but we love their furry faces nevertheless...

Julie studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths College in London, and supposedly ended up fully qualified in drawing... But there's also been a great deal of enthusiastic creating and crafting since as far back as Julie can remember: Nana and Blue Peter might have had a hand in it starting. 

Allegedly Nana designed ties for a living, before joining the army to man anti-aircraft guns and then getting married... and raising six kids... but she also said she used to be a pirate, so you just don't know these days what to believe...

The Kip & Fig story started in the spring of 2012 when their East London studio bloomed, mysteriously named Shed HQ.  It swiftly became a hot house of making and creating... relatively speaking of course, since it's UK weather and it's a shed.

Kip & Fig are now based in a little creative city called Chelmsford, in the beautiful county of Essex.

Drop us a line to say hello, or make an enquiry

[email protected]

The Stables
Hylands House
Hylands Estate


0793 277 0501